
Discover Our In-Depth K9 Bed Bug Inspection and Treatment Process

Do you hate sighting bugs around you? Although bed bugs are hard to spot but once spotted, these bed bugs affect our normal day to day life. On average, we spend 8-10 hours of a day on bed and may experience ongoing and incessant bites, which make taking drastic measures a necessity. Although these bed bugs are not harmful, the irritation they can cause can impact our day to day lives.  How to Get Rid Of Bed Bugs? Traditionally, the human inspection was done to eliminate bed bugs, but these days K9 bed bug inspection to locate bedbugs has presented itself as a more reliable option. In this, trained dogs are used to sniff live bed bugs to eliminate them instantly. Identifying early signs of bedbug infestation would help to eliminate their growth as quickly as possible.  Why Dogs?  Dogs possess a strong sense of smell, which helps them detect bed bugs without causing any type of chaos. Unlike human inspectors, these dogs are more likely to spot bed b...

A Complete Guide on Bed Bug Inspection and Treatment

Bed bug inspection If you have bed bugs, it is best to act quickly to get rid of them as soon as possible. Bed bug inspection and treatment are easily reachable these days to prevent unanticipated events like rashes and infection.  Bed bugs are harmful and can cause several problems for your skin, that’s why taking early actions is necessary.   Here is the guide on getting rid of bed bugs.   I am delineating some symptoms, if you see any of these; you can be infected with the bug.   Professional bed bug treatment and services can offer consultation, monitoring, and solution to remove them from your home or space. Let’s glean more insights about them.   Symptoms you have bugs in your house: ·           Itching red bites on your body, ·           Bed linen with bloodstains ·           Dark...

Non-Toxic Bed Bug Treatment in San Francisco?

Bed bugs are creepy pests they invade your house to make it unhealthy to live in. These bugs are sneaky creatures that are hard to locate but will remain persistent in your home to cause potential health risks. Besides, bed bugs proliferate at a quick pace making their control a bit difficult. With their small, flat, oval-shaped bodies, they can penetrate in crevices where human access is hardly possible. Bed bugs infest your bedding or mattress are evidence of causing holes in them. Approaching Non-toxic bed bug treatment is harmful enough for not only for human kids but also for pets like dogs and cats as it makes it unbreathable. Bed bugs give an itchy bite as they suck human blood as the only source of nutrition for them.                                                                     ...